想喺上司面前留下好印象?Presentation常用英語一定要識 演講唔會累贅3大要素!|Ken Ng
一般來說,職場的presentation大部分以口述為主。某程度上,一個好的presentation聽起來與sales pitch是很相似,只是sell(賣)的東西不是貨品,而是建議;present的對象不是客人,而是自己的同事或上司。
撰文:Ken Ng (KEN哥哥)|圖片:unsplash
1. Introduction(介紹)
- 「Allow me first to give you all an overview of the presentation I’m about to give.」
(容許我首先概括我今日的演講的點子。) - 「Before I get to it, here are the main areas where I would be focusing on in today’s presentation.」(在我開始之前,這就是我今日想專注的話題。)
- 「Here are the high points that I will discuss later on. I’ll be spending some time on each in the presentation.」
2. Main content(主要內容)
進行演講,必須避免資訊泛濫(information overload)。一場優秀的演講會,並不是純粹僅列出種種數據,而是解釋你所提供的資訊,如何為觀眾帶來價值。由於與會者並不清楚我們準備的資料內容,我們應花多些時間去做適當的闡述,以下是開始闡述時常見的英語句子:
- 「What we’re trying to accomplish with what you see right now is…」
(你見到這些都是因為我們想達到…) - 「Ultimately, what we’re trying to do is…」
延伸閱讀:要解讀上司心理 先要熟習3類Appraisal常用英文語句!Improvement Guaranteed原來唔係好事?|Ken Ng
3. Conclusion/Questions(結尾/發問問題)
- 「If there’re any questions, I’ll gladly take them now.」
(如果大家有任何問題,我現在非常樂意回應。) - 「Now, I would like to open the remainder of our time to questions.」
(現在我想將剩餘的時間,去回應大家的問題。) - 「Thank you very much for your time. Now is the time for questions.」
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延伸閱讀:【實用電郵英語】亂用To whom it may concern容易得罪人?職場電郵最常犯4大錯誤!|Ken Ng