年尾Appraisal評核英文範本:從工作表現評核解讀上司心理 Improvement Guaranteed原來唔好?|Ken Ng
「工作表現評核」有很多英文名稱 : performance review、performance evaluation、 employee review、employee evaluation,甚至單一稱呼「appraisal」亦可,是職場上的「成績表」。每位上司評核下屬的表現準則都有所不同,但一般的工作表現準則均可分為三大類別:needs improvement (需要改善—下階),meets expectations (達到預期表現—中階),exceeds expectations (超出預期表現—高階)。
1. Needs Improvement(Appraisal意思:需要改善一下)
在現今職場上,縱使員工表現未能達標,在performance appraisal很少會出現過分嚴厲的批評,尤其在外國文化濃厚的公司更加會用不少 euphemism (委婉語) 去避重就輕。以下有幾個常用不同語氣的appraisal 例句:
Appraisal嚴厲批評 |
X has handed in an underwhelming performance. |
In terms of work performance, X under-performed by a measurable margin. |
X failed to meet the necessary expectations set forth for him/her. |
Appraisal委婉的批評 |
There are areas in which X can improve. With the appropriate guidance, improvement is guaranteed in the future. |
X struggles in a few areas, but his/her performance is redeemed when help is offered. |
Although X struggles with deadlines, the work is eventually complete. |

2. Meets Expectations(Appraisal意思:達到預期表現)
- “X meets our expected work standards and has continued to perform at a good level.”
- “X has met our expected standards in several areas that are most important to his/her job duties.”
- “X has performed his/her duties to a level that meets our standards in terms of work performance.”
- “X has routinely satisfied his/her work requirements and conducts himself/herself adequately at work.”
- “We find X’s performance to be in line with our company’s requirements. And to that end, X has satisfied his/her work duties.”
3. Exceeds Expectations(Appraisal意思:超出預期表現)
- “In particular to analysis work, X shows a natural aptitude to excel in the work provided to him/her in that regard.”
- “X shows an exceptional willingness to take on additional tasks when it is requested of him/her.”
延伸閱讀:【實用電郵英語】Two Cents唔等於兩仙?超實用4句Informal英語Email句子 |Ken Ng
撰文:Ken Ng (KEN哥哥)
如果我在Appraisal中收到的評價係Needs Improvement,是好還是不好?
如在Appraisal中收到的評價係Needs Improvement,通常是指…詳情請看。
撰文:Ken Ng圖片來源:unsplash