打工仔必學 得體辭職信
溫馨小提示:搵到好路數,決定辭職時,記得預先了解公司的離職通知期/如何計last day(某些公司為保證人手充裕,離職通知期要1至2個月的書面通知),否則,有機會須繳付代通知金。欲知更多,都可click → 勞工處的僱傭條例簡明指南《終止僱用合約》。
1/ 離職原因【有時⋯⋯或需要些些善意的修飾。嗯,你懂的⋯⋯】
2/ 離職日期
3/ 感謝上司及公司的栽培【配合埋誠意的小眼睛,最好不過~】
1) 首段:交代職位名稱、離職原因和日期
Dear [your boss’s name],
Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as [position title] because of [your reason, eg. family reason]. My last day will be [your last day—usually one to two month(s) from the date you give notice].
2) 中段:禮貌表達感謝
Thank you for the support that you have provided me during the past [amount of time you’ve been in the role]. I have greatly enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I have had to [a few of your favorite job responsibilities], and I have learned [a few specific things you’ve learned on the job], all of which I will take with me throughout my career.
3) 尾段:交代交接安排【咁盡責,無好印象都難,keke。】
If I can be of any assistance during this transition in order to facilitate the seamless passing of my responsibilities to my successor, please let me know. I would be glad to help however I can.
I wish you and [name of company] continued success, and I hope to stay in touch in the future.
[Your name]