
聖誕Party抽中100盒麥樂雞醬 連登仔當場「喊出嚟」:二手醬有價有市無人知



麥樂雞醬都可以成為抽獎禮物?臨近聖誕,不少公司都會在Christmas Party 舉行大抽獎,與員工們歡度佳節。



麥樂雞 Chicken McNuggets can be a lucky draw gift? As Christmas approaches, many companies will hold a big lucky draw at the Christmas Party to celebrate the festive season with their employees. This year, some companies have worked hard to prepare low-cost and creative prizes to create unforgettable memories for colleagues. Some netizens shared their prizes at the company Christmas party with the topic Today



  • 「都幾fun 。」
  • 「拎去賣,賺200都好。」
  • 「以後食麥樂雞唔怕無醬了。」
  • 「隻黃芥末點燒肉好正。正過一般燒臘檔畀嗰啲。」
麥樂雞 18 pieces of Chicken McNuggets and 4 new sauces are popular! Usually only one sauce is given away when eating Chicken McNuggets, but with the opening of the World Cup, McDonald’s has launched a limited-time 18-piece Chicken McNuggets set meal, and you can try all 4 special sauces at one time: honey mustard, vanilla lemon, Japanese style mustard and Korean roast beef, which one is the most popular? 18 chicken McNuggets with 4 new sauces, one of which has a high score wins the best food! A netizen posted on the Facebook Hong Kong Tea Restaurant and Gourmet Concern Group that he just bought 18 pieces of Chicken McNuggets and tried all 4 special sauces. He thought vanilla and lemon ranked second, and Japanese mustard ranked third. Finally came the Korean Roast Beef. As soon as the post was published, it attracted netizens to rate it one after another. In a round of tongue-in-cheek competition, most people think the sweet honey mustard is the most delicious. They think it is fragrant and sweet, and girls like it the most. As for vanilla lemon and Japanese style wasabi, they can be regarded as jingle horses. Some people think that the taste of the former is too light, and it has a subtle spice taste; as for Japanese style mustard, it is generally felt that if the spiciness is stronger, it will be more prominent. Most people think that the Korean-style roast beef with pork tail is too strong and salty, and it doesn


  • 「你公司都幾有創意喎。」
  • 「邊度攞貨咁勁,想買嚟畀同事抽!」
  • 「睇聖誕抽獎就知間公司抵唔抵做。」





雖然突如其來獲得100盒 麥樂雞醬,實在令人哭笑不得。樓主隨後,亦分享老細更為之震撼的聖誕獎品:接受全公司嘅祝福。有網友笑稱,這是無啦啦屈同事送禮物。

麥樂雞 Some netizens were curious about why the poster
