1/ Job-hunting
畢業之後第一件事就係搵工,直接白啲講搵工就係 Find a job,將佢轉換成名詞就係 Job-hunting。 Send咗無數咁多份CV之後,你就會搵到你人生嘅第一份工嫁啦。
例子: Job-hunting is like finding a girlfriend. After a rejection, they both say: ‘‘You have great qualities. Such a shame you’re not fit for the company’’
2/ Rookie
例子: After a few years of work, when people ask if you’d just entered the workforce, it’s not because you look young. It’s that you still look like a rookie.
3/ Staff lunch/ Staff dinner
職場上最攰莫過於放工之後要同同事食飯。當然,如果你同同事相處得唔錯,大家一齊食飯就會好開心。不過,相信好多人都想收工之後係自己休息的時間。如果公司久唔久就有一次聚餐嘅話,我哋可以叫做staff lunch或者staff dinner。
例子:A so-called staff dinner is only s staff dinner when everyone has a close relationship with each other. If the staff barely knows each other, it’s just overtime work.
4/ Overtime
相信每一個打工仔最驚就係OT,咩係OT呢?OT即係指 Over超過,time時間,Overtime就係超時工作。當你手頭上有一大堆未完成嘅工作,而你老細又再畀你更多deadline,咁你今次唔OT都唔得啦。
例子: Now that we’re all adults, let’s talk about something grown-up today. For example, ‘‘Are you working overtime today?’’
5/ Raise
例子: After a few years in the workforce, some people start procrastinating and slacking off, because they finally realized that working hard doesn’t necessarily get them a raise or a promotion.