如何用英語向老闆要求加人工?3大事前準備 開場白與商討例句|Ken Ng
撰文:Ken Ng (KEN哥哥)|圖片:Unsplash
1. Find out what is the reasonable pay raise to ask for.(先釐定甚麼才是合理的升幅。)
一般而言,每次加薪的升幅會介乎5%至10%。但這個百比分亦會因種種因素而改變,例如工種會否有佣金(commission)、關鍵績效指標(Key Performance Indicators)、轉介金(referral fee)等。
2. Have specific data that you want to bring up.(提出加人工前須準備有利的數據。)
3. Bring up favourable expectations for next year.(提及下年的預期增長。)
Phrases to ask for a raise.(請求加人工的英語說法):
1.「Hi (superior), may I have a moment of your time to discuss my performance?
2. 「I don’t mean to be blunt. But after reviewing my performance in the past year, would it be reasonable to say that we’ve achieved the goals we’ve set out? Is there a possibility that we could adjust my salary to reflect that?」
3. 若被問到認為該調整到哪個合理的薪酬,可以回答:
「Thank you for asking me. I really appreciate it. I’m hoping we can raise my salary to $X.」