在進入正題之前,讀者必須先搞清楚formal invitation(正式邀請函)與informal invitation(非正式邀請函)的分別。

若是Formal invitation,即如要邀請上司或外部機構,用詞就需要較莊重得體;而informal invitation是邀請同輩,用詞則不必太過拘謹,可以隨意輕鬆一些。
(一)Formal invitation
注意:在Formal invitation中,不應有縮寫的出現,例如「I’d like to…」應寫成「I would like to…」。

- It is my pleasure / I am pleased to invite you to attend…(很高興邀請你參加…)。
- You are cordially invited to the party.(誠邀你參加派對)。
- We sincerely hope that you could attend the party.(我們衷心期待你的光臨)。
- Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.(請盡早通知你是否能參加)。
- We look forward to seeing you at the event.(我們希望能在活動中見到你)。
- I am longing to see you soon.(期待盡快與你見面)。
- It would be an honour to me if you would accept our invitation.(如你能接受我的邀請,將會是我的榮幸)。
- We should be very pleased if you could honour us with your presence.(如你能親臨,我們將會感到非常榮幸)。
開首:「We are pleased to invite you to be the(position)for the(event)that will be held on(date)at(place).」
結尾:「We genuinely hope that you would accept our invitation. It would be highly appreciated if you could reply to us by(date). We can make the necessary arrangements for you.We are looking forward to seeing you at the event.」
(二)Informal invitation
一封非正式邀請函的內文結構與正式邀請函並無太大的差別,僅用詞上會較隨意輕鬆。故非正式邀請函沒有所謂的stock sentences,只要措辭表達不要太過生硬就可以了。
開首:「This is to inform you that(event)will be held on(date)at(venue).」
結尾:「We would be happy if you and your family can join this event. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.」