學識呢 5 句 唔會會錯意嘅英文說法
1. Out of this world
Out of this world絕對唔係解外太空或者唔喺呢個世界,而係解有一啲事物太好,好到一個點係呢個世界搵唔到。英文嘅同義詞係Wonderful,你可以用Out of this world嚟形容食物、人或者其他係覺得好正嘅事物。
例子:OMG! You got to try this pie! It is out of the world.
2. Tell me about it
聽到人講Tell me about it,係咪即刻好想將你嘅想法重頭講出嚟呢?不過,呢句真正嘅意思係「仲使你講!我同意你嘅講法呀!」
例子:”Do you think I talk too much?” “Tell me about it.”
3. You don’t say
呢句嘅意思唔係叫人收聲,而係解「廢話!」當你聽到一啲人用肺講嘢,你都冇咁好氣應佢,你就可以回佢一句You don’t say。
例子: “Sorry for calling you late, were you sleeping?” “You don’t say. It’s 3 in the morning!”
4. You killed it
You killed it 唔係指控話你殺咗啲咩,反而係一句讚美嘅說話。好多時都你讚你「好勁呀!」或者「做得好!」
例子: “Hey! I watched your performance Grammys.” “You killed it!”
5. Sleep on it
例子: “This is such a big step. Can I sleep on it?” “I only asked if you wanna buy a friendship bracelet together.”